Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Smirking on Holiday

I was in Flamborough over the weekend. It's a tiny time-warped village on a massive chunk of Yorkshire sticking out into the North Sea. It's almost entirely populated by tourists, but there are some quirky shops, lively pubs and the best darned seafood around. If you've seen "Last of the Summer Wine" you'll know the kind of vibe. Although they were holding a scarecrow festival while I was there which made it more like "Last of the Summer Wine" meets "The Wicker Man".
One of the highlights of the drive up was smirking at the signs for the nearby village of Wetwang, and in fact it was also a highlight of the drive back. In fact the novelty still hasn't worn off - the word "Wetwang" still makes me snigger.

While in Flamborough, I definitely recommend a walk around the wind-blown Selwicks Bay & The Lighthouse - described on the town's website as follows, with typical Yorkshire understatement :-

"On the eastern tip of Flamborough Head and with something for
nearly everyone."
I love the reference to "nearly" everyone - you suspect they are worried about legal action from disappointed pedants with specialised leisure requirements.

Bridlington is nearby if you want a more traditional kiss-me-quick candy-floss kind of seaside experience, but since I was born in Blackpool that's not something with any appeal.

I'll finish with "Wetwang". According to wikipedia :-

It is recorded in the Domesday Book as Wetuuangha. There are two interpretations of this. One is that it probably comes from the Old Norse
vaett-vangr, 'field for the trial of a legal action'. Another theory is that it
was the "Wet Field" compared to the nearby Dry Field at

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