Sunday, April 27, 2008


No time to rave about Stephen Fry's amazing programme about the Gutenburg printing press.

No time to describe my reactions to the shocking "Waiting for the Guards" video on the Amnesty International website.

No time to beg you to make "Mad Men" part of your lives.

No time to regret the passing of Humphrey Littleton.

Like Jean says in Victoria Wood's "Dinner Ladies" :-
"Orgasm? I haven’t blown my nose since Wednesday."


Anonymous said...

So glad you weren't so busy that you couldn't at least make me feel there are some people in the World who share a vision and a humour - although all the smoke in Mad Men makes me feel quite physically sick! How good does that make the production? As for sideshow Gordon, he's not, he's the main event, totally effete and will open the way to a tory government which has to be bad thing. Tony might be laughing his socks off, but I hope he's not. Where is plan B? Please?

Stan said...

Thanks for the comment, Dutch. I have mentally come to terms with the Tories winning the next one. I just hope Labour or the Lib Dems come up with someone worth getting behind the time after.

My Plan B ? Two words : "Ken Livingstone". He's properly radical, environmental and keeps getting elected.